What to visit nearby?

The city of Grasse is considered the world capital of Perfume, whose know-how was promoted to UNESCO's intangible heritage a little over 5 years ago. The Daphné villa in Spéracèdes is an excellent starting point for organizing perfume-related visits, we have selected some ideas for you:

- Visit the International Perfume Museum, which tells the history of perfume since ancient Egypt.

- A visit to the Manon estate: a Mediterranean garden where jasmine is grown, in Plascassier;

- The Rose de Lancôme estate: https://www.lancome.fr/domaine-de-la-rose.html - Guided tour to be booked on the website.

- Workshop to create a perfume with our perfumers: Galimard, Fragonard, Molinard. Online reservation

On Saturday morning, consider going to Saint-Cézaire-sur-Siagne for its Provençal market and its view of the Siagne gorges. You can extend your excursion to Saint-Vallier - de - Thiey and Caussol.

Not far from Villa Daphné, an excursion to Cabris, a pretty Provençal village is essential; Good restaurants and frequent entertainment make this village a great stopover in our Grasse region. Our guests also appreciate the excursion which takes them to Bar-sur-Loup and its waterfall, the Florian confectionery (a visit is essential for gourmands), the village of Gourdon and that of Tourrettes - sur - Loup renowned for its festival violet in winter.

Villa Daphné is 20 km from the sea, and as good people from Cannes that we are, Didier and I like to walk and swim between La Napoule and Saint-Aygulf, the corniche road between Estérel and the sea is a almost unmissable excursion. The colors are magical, small sandy and pebble beaches are accessible from the road, not to be missed under any circumstances!